توتون پیپ ( دانهیل ) پترسون مای میکسچر ۹۶۵

برای اطلاع از موجودی تماس بگیرید


توتون پیپ ( دانهیل ) پترسون مای میکسچر ۹۶۵

توتون پیپ مای میکسچر ۹۶۵ پترسون
سری جدید تولیدات دانهیل با برند پترسون
peterson my mixture 965 pipe tobacco
توتون ساده

توتون پیپ

ترکیبات 👇
Cavendish, Latakia, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia
تعداد محدود
Notes: From its inception and until 1981, it was produced by Dunhill of London.Production was then transferred to Murrays in Belfast who like Dunhill were owned by Carreras Rothmans. Murrays produced it until late 2004 when BAT, who by that time had taken over Rothmans International, closed the Belfast factory.
Since then it has been produced by Orlik, Denmark, part of the Scandinavian Tobacco Group.
Pipe Tobacco Hall of Fame Inductee.
Formerly known as Dunhill My Mixture 965, STG bought the rights to some Dunhill blends and changed the brand name from “Dunhill” to “Peterson”
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توتون پیپ

۵۰ گرمی

توتون پیپ ( دانهیل ) پترسون مای میکسچر ۹۶۵


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